
Impacting lives by increasing health access and healthcare workforce development.

Our Mission

HealthForce aims to positively impact lives through community collaboration by strengthening a diverse healthcare workforce and increasing access to care.

Our focus includes increasing accessible healthcare in rural communities, identifying and addressing community needs for healthcare access, increasing licensed and certified providers through needs assessments and working collaboratively with community leaders to expand student opportunities to explore healthcare fields.

HealthForce has two primary focuses to achieve its goals: Workforce Development and Health Access.

A shield, the HealthForce logo

Our logo- The HealthForce Shield

The shield represents strength, when community members come together they become stronger. The shield represents what HealthForce embodies. In the bottom left is an image of gears. Just as gears will not work alone, neither will HealthForce. We achieve our goals by collaborating within our community. In the top right is an image of hands holding a heart. At HealthForce we carry a genuine concern for our community, our mission is done in the pursuit of compassion. The colors purple and gold were chosen for the sense of royalty we believe our clients are entitled to.